Bubbles in Camden

Just wanted to take 10 minutes or so to highlight what’s going on in my life at the moment, and perhaps explain why I’ve not been very active online lately.


I started my new job at DisplayLink on the 17th of September. I’m enjoying it a lot, but the hours and commute are longer than Crownhill so I’m generally finding myself with less spare time than before.


Naturally, most weekends are spent away from a computer, with Jade, either in Cambridge or London. I just added a bunch of photos from my latest visit to London on Flickr, where we popped into Camden, Covent Garden, along the Thames, towards the Millenium Bridge, a brief stop at St Paul’s, and then onto the Tate Modern. It was a very pleasant day 🙂

I’ve also been looking for a flat in Cambridge to reduce my commute.


The blog has been neglected badly. I have a lot of things I want to do and post about, and also a lot of draft posts that I need to finish, including:

  • Investigating the new aircrack-ng 1.0 beta with (alleged) AirPcap Tx support built in
  • Testing the new AirPcap Tx beta from CACE (Probably best left to Crownhill for the moment)
  • Automating software deployments using AutoIT
  • Setting up a WSUS Server
  • Basic Linux commands

This will all come in time.