Be warned: this is a Whinge-piece.
I wanted to provide an update on the poor customer service I’ve been receiving from Microsoft UK Support with my original Microsoft Band.
Microsoft seemingly ignored my “escalated complaint” through that I raised in December 2015, so I raised a new service ticket before the 1 year anniversary of my Band purchase, around March 2016. In May 2016, Microsoft got back to me, and then promptly (again) told me that I wasn’t eligible for a replacement because they believe I damaged this myself (I definitely didn’t) and that the damage they witnessed isn’t covered by the warranty.
I have multiple issues with this whole saga, and Microsoft’s behaviour in general:
- Accusing a customer of purposely damaging an item is pretty poor form.
- Microsoft voided my warranty without even contacting me to understand the damage or allow me any kind of response.
- Microsoft rejected my request to refund me or replace my Band with a Band 2, which has been designed to avoid the issues I’ve seen with my original Band.
- Microsoft ignored my complaint through
- I hate having to use the law, but Microsoft Support seem to be ignoring The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) which states that goods should be as described, of a satisfactory quality and fit for purpose. The Band in my possession, is absolutely not fit for purpose given the wear and tear it’s sustained since I purchased it.
I’ve probably said this before but, I love my Band, and have been a fan of Microsoft for a long time. However, this series of incidents has genuinely sullied my opinion of Microsoft. Shame, really.